Concerns & Complaints

  Our support business actively supports your right to complain about our services. We encourage you to make a complaint if you do not like the way we do things or if you disagree with a decision we have made. Our business is receptive to complaints because complaints help us make our service better for you and for other people. It is very important to our organisation that we make our services the best they can be.

We take all complaints seriously and we do our best to resolve them. Each complaint will be dealt with promptly and fairly and without retribution. ‘Without retribution’ means you will not lose services or be treated negatively because you make a complaint.

We will keep your complaint confidential. Only direct people within our organisation will know about your complaint. We will only tell other people about your complaint if we have your permission to do so. The only time we will tell anyone about your complaint without your permission is when we think that someone is at risk of serious harm or if we think a criminal offence has occurred. However, this kind of situation is very unusual.

How to Make a Complaint

If you want to make a complaint, please follow the steps below:

  • Tell our office Manager about your complaint or lodge a feedback form. The Manager will discuss the issue with you and work with you to resolve the complaint with you. We will let you know within 5 to 10 working days, depending on the type of complaint you make, about any actions we have taken or intend to take to resolve your complaint.
  • If we cannot help resolve the matter to your satisfaction, assistance is available from the Disability Services Commissioner. The Disability Services Commissioner provides a free and confidential service to assist people to resolve a compliant with a registered disability service provider.

Address: Level 30, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne Vic, 3000

Facsimile: 03 8608 5765


Phone: 1800 677 342 (free from landlines)